Sopico – Nuage | A COLORS ENCORE<!-- --> — COLORSxSTUDIOS


COLORS showcases exceptional talent from all around the globe, focused on the most distinctive new artists and original sounds.

Sopico – Nuage | A COLORS ENCORE

Having impressed with his striking A COLORS SHOW performance of ‘dead’ in Nuage, French MC Sopico is back with a stripped back A COLORS ENCORE performance of ‘Nuage’. This special show coincides with the last day of our COLORS Á PARIS two week long programme of events in the French capital, which included performances, exhibitions, and masterclasses from COLORS alumni including Lous and the Yakuza, YEИDRY, Ichon, and, of course, Sopico to name just a few.

For his A COLORS ENCORE, Sopico delivers an acoustic rendition of a brand new single ‘Nuage. The warming guitar tones coupled with Sopico’s delicate delivery and soothing flow create a captivating atmosphere that allows each of the rapper’s words to truly sink in. Discover the performance above and be sure to check out Sopico’s A COLORS SHOW of ‘dead’ if you haven’t already done so.

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