generic animal – lifevest — COLORSxSTUDIOS


COLORS showcases exceptional talent from all around the globe, focused on the most distinctive new artists and original sounds.

generic animal – lifevest

Generic Animal is the music project of Milan, Italy-based artist Luca Galizia. Last year, the rising singer/songwriter followed up 2018’s ‘Generic Animal’ with the equally impressive project ‘Presto’, which features contributions from the likes of Massimo Pericolo, Nicolaj Serjotti and Franco126. Over the course of the record’s twelve glorious tracks, Generic Animal delivers lush cuts produced by Fight Pausa who delivered a variety of lively and playful soundscapes for the singer to lay down his striking vocals.

For COLORS, Generic Animal treats us to a special performance of previously unreleased single ‘Lifevest’. From the get go, layers of warming guitars and drums fill the soundscape as Galizia’s shimmering tones sweep across with ease as he effortlessly shifts in out of his stunning falsetto in the hook. Check out ‘Lifevest’ above and be sure to give ‘Presto’ a spin if you haven’t already!



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