Prateek Kuhad<!-- --> — COLORSxSTUDIOS


COLORS showcases exceptional talent from all around the globe, focused on the most distinctive new artists and original sounds.

Prateek Kuhad

Born in Jaipur and currently based in New Delhi, singer/songwriter Prateek Kuhad is one of those artists who’ll both melt and break your heart all at the same time. His ardent narratives and soothing tones propel you into a storm of emotions from love and loss to happiness and heartbreak on tracks like ‘Oh Love’ and ‘Go’ which are taken from his 2015 debut album ‘In Tokens & Charms’. Most recently, Kuhad dropped ‘cold/mess’, an EP comprising of atmospheric cuts that further take his artistry to another level.

PRATEEK KUHAD – did you/fall apart

Born in Jaipur and currently based in New Delhi, singer/songwriter Prateek Kuhad is one of those artists who’ll both melt and break your heart all at the same time. His ardent narratives and soothing tones propel you into a storm of emotions from love and loss to happiness and heartbreak on tracks like ‘Oh Love’ and ‘Go’ which are taken from his 2015 debut album ‘In Tokens & Charms’. Most recently, Kuhad dropped ‘cold/mess’, an EP comprising of atmospheric cuts that further take his artistry to another level.

For COLORS, Prateek Kuhad delivers a heartfelt rendition of ‘did you/fall apart’, a simple yet heartbreaking song which has the ability to capture your attention and shatter your heart into a million pieces in the most delicate way possible. The gentle instrumentation penned by Konrad Snyder and Peter Groenwald adds a sense of serenity to the song whilst Kuhad’s yearning tones pierce through as he laments over heartbreak: “But we fell apart, take me back to the start”. Dive into the poignant performance of ‘did you/fall apart’ up top and be sure to put Prateek Kuhad’s enchanting ‘cold/mess’ EP on rotation too.

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